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FaithFire Media
Do Not Be Afraid, God Wants To Bring You Deeper
"I will give you the treasures of darkness And hidden riches of secret places, That you may know that I, the LORD, Who call you by your name, Am the God of Israel."
Isaiah 45:3
I submit this idea to you, that the Lord has more in store for you than you can imagine, and what He has for you is invisible and intangible.
Receive the Word of the Lord, God has a spiritual inheritance that’s hidden beneath the surface of your practical life.
The Dream
In a recent dream from the Lord, I was talking to a young lady, and I was asking her about her basement. I was talking to her about the space in her basement.
I asked her a question. I asked her, “Are you sure you don’t want to make use of your basement? All this space?”
The buyer of the home was hesitating to decide in favor of this house, because she didn’t know if she could use all the space.
It was her home, but she hadn’t taken possession of it.
She was the home buyer, but she was also the homeowner. It was hers of she wanted it, but she didn’t know if she wanted it.
The house was for her. It was set aside for her, but she wasn’t accepting what was rightfully hers.
"But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit..."
1 Corinthians 2:9-10
Receive Your Possessions
Scripture teaches us there are some things that only the Spirit can teach us or show us. These are freely given to us as a possession due to our position in Christ.
But we don’t take possession of them if we don’t receive them by the help of the Holy Spirit. We only receive the deep things of God by allowing the Holy Spirit to reveal them to us.
Our natural mind can’t contain what God has for us. Our natural eyes can’t see what He has for us. We only can become aware of our spiritual inheritance by spending time with the Holy Spirit. Otherwise, we will resist the deeper riches the Lord has for us.
What are these riches?
Freedom. Peace. Joy. Love. The entire fruit of the Spirit. Our wealth is a spiritual wealth. Only after we truly accept our spiritual inheritance can we walk in the natural wealth the Lord has for us.
Listen To His Voice
We must listen for His voice. It’s what God says that really matters. What does God say is yours? What does God say about who you are?
We receive revelation through discerning the voice of God in scripture and in prayer.
Seek the Lord. Write down what He says to you about what He has for you. Write it on your heart. Find the promise in His Word, and walk into what He has promised by faith.
Believe what He says. And trust Him for it.
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