FaithFire Media
FaithFire Media is the broadcast arm of FaithFire Worldwide Revival Ministries.Hosted by former television news anchor Frank Mickens, FaithFire Media seeks to fan the flame of revival in you. Frank has a passion to see people surrender fully to the Jesus and follow him with all their heart, soul, mind and strength. Enjoy this prophetically-powered ministry that leverages illustrations in Frank's dreams to share the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.Connect with FaithFire at www.faithfireworldwide.com
189 episodes
2025: The Year Of Great Grace
2025: The Year Of Great Grace (Unusual, Uncommon Grace)As with all prophecy, the Word of the Lord is only as good as the amount of faith you put into it. The Word must be RECEIVED."Then He said to them, “Take heed what you...
Season 5
Episode 1

2024 Prophetic Year In Review
“And now I have told you before it comes, that when it does come to pass, you may believe."John 14:29 NKJVIn the Greek, when we look in the New Testament, that original word that we translate as "believe" actually means more than ju...
Season 4
Episode 26

FaithFire Has A New Church Home!
We Are The New Leaders At Pinecroft Baptist Church! It's been quite a while since I last relayed an update of our ministry activities. And that is not because there's been a lack of activity. Up until very recently, I have be...
Season 4
Episode 25

Night School
God is taking you to school, and His desire is to see you in class every night as often as possible, sitting with Him.Allow the Lord to draw you into His presence to learn of HimYou will need to make space for the Lord in unusua...
Season 4
Episode 24

What The Lord Revealed To Me About Secret Abortions In America
"...For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known."Matthew 10:26
Season 4
Episode 21

Iran, Israel & The Kingdom Of God
The war on Israel is a precursor to great change in the world. The change we are witnessing is a reordering of the world in preparation for the coming Kingdom of God.*What Is Happening In The Unseen RealmThe enemy is raging.&nbs...
Season 4
Episode 20

What Does The Eclipse Mean?
The Lord is inviting us to listen!The question was asked in our prophetic fellowship, what does a 4.8 earthquake in NY and a solar eclipse on 4.8 mean?I began to ponder and pray and the Lord is speaking in volumes.He is ...
Season 4
Episode 19

Prophetic Word: "D.C. United"
As we get closer to Election Day, I discern the Lord is warning us of the pressures to fight and divide along political lines as well as other lines that will be thrown our way by political debates.
Season 4
Episode 18

Prophetic Word: "Black Thought"
The Lord understands the trauma and plight of people of color all over the world.This dream illuminates the Father's heart for those who feel abandoned, isolated, forgotten, used, and abused.However, the Lord's desire is for His...
Season 4
Episode 17

A Warning For Sean Combs
The Lord prompted me to warn you Mr. Combs.He says you should be very careful not to underestimate the consequences of your actions.As I was praying, the Lord showed me an axe cutting down a tree.The Spirit of God is cut...
Season 4
Episode 16

Prophetic Word: "Sudden Birth" Part Two
The Lord has provided more insight and wisdom and application for a Word He released earlier this week.He wants you to prepare for what He's about to bring forth.Do you perceive it?
Season 4
Episode 15

Prophetic Word: Is Anyone Listening?
In this dream of the Lord, I was sitting in a church meeting and ministers were arguing.They were doing this as many others were watching and witnessing.This argument lasted for a very long time and it was not going anywhere.
Season 4
Episode 14

Prophetic Word: Sudden Birth
The Lord wants you to prepare for the new!Isaiah 43:18-19 (NKJV) 18 “Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old. 19 Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make...
Season 4
Episode 13

Prophetic Word For 2024: Why Donald Trump Will Win
The Lord has given me two reasons why Donald Trump will win. Reason One: The Lord says, Donald Trump will win because people have put their faith in man, and not God. Reason 2: The Lord says, Donald Trump will win beca...
Season 4
Episode 12

Do Not Be Afraid, God Wants To Bring You Deeper
"I will give you the treasures of darkness And hidden riches of secret places, That you may know that I, the LORD, Who call you by your name, Am the God of Israel."Isaiah 45:3I submit this idea to you, that the Lord has more ...
Season 4
Episode 11

Prophetic Word For 2024: False Witness & Gotcha Journalism
In light of some very prominent allegations and accusations, the Lord has shown me that we need to be careful not to join the chorus that is railing against them. We should be cautious. Leave the process to the proper authorities. ...
Season 4
Episode 9

Prophetic Word for 2024: Who Is Speaking Or Singing To Your Kids?
If we partake of wickedness in any of its forms, including media, we are forming a partnership, companionship, and association with that behavior, with that demonic spirit. We become members of a fellowship that we should not be in...
Season 4
Episode 10

Prophetic Warning: Protect The Church
In October 2023, the Lord took me into a vision and I saw an attack on the church at-large developing.What I saw was a sleeper cell awaken and they had long guns, assault-style rifles, and they were going into churches.They were...
Season 4
Episode 8

Prophetic Word For 2024: You're At Base Camp
The Lord is preparing you for an ascent into higher levels in God, a higher dimension.He’s preparing His people to ascend."Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hand...
Season 4
Episode 7

Encouragement If You're Struggling To Hear God
I want to share this Word with someone who feels isolated from the Lord. You can't seem to hear the Lord. You can't seem to find Him. The Lord sent me to tell you, THERE IS HOPE. God is near. He is with you! It's His nature to be close. Don't f...
Season 4
Episode 6

Prophetic Word For 2024: You're At Base Camp Preparing For A Higher Dimension!
The Lord is preparing you for an ascent into higher levels in God, a higher dimension.He’s preparing His people to ascend."Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hand...
Season 4
Episode 5

Prophetic Word For 2024 | The Nest
God is preparing you to mount up on wings and fly! He’s strengthening you. Don’t forget the Word says about where we get our strength. Get ready for flight by relaxing and resting in the nesting place of the Lord. One day you...
Season 4
Episode 4

Mission Guatemala Report | February 2024
We saw hundreds of people come to salvation through Jesus Christ during our recent weeklong trip to Guatemala City and Escuintla Guatemala.Please accept our warmest gratitude for your support and prayers. We hope to reach Columbia...
Season 4
Episode 3